Tuesday, August 10, 2010


I am so over training for this Marathon. I want my Saturday's back and I want to sleep in instead of worrying about getting 10 miles in before 6:30 on weekday mornings! I think this will most likely be my first and last marathon.

All that said, I am committed to doing it. Most importantly because I am doing it for Team World Vision and I really believe in the cause. I have committed to getting kids sponsored in Kenya. To this point I have 3 kids that need sponsored. I have had no success at getting anyone to commit to providing for these kids. It is a $35/month commitment. World Vision does all the hard work you just have to sign the checks. You get to even hear from the kids and you are essentially saving them. Any takers? I am not asking you to do something I am not committed to doing myself. I am sponsoring a little girl named Mary from Kenya. If you are interested I can get you more details!


  1. Thanks for the comment on my blog! I had wondered where you went.

    You should get back on your blog and start updating! I would love to read about your journey :)

  2. I still read yours. I am blogging but it is under another blog (www.walkingwiththeweavers.blogspot.com) and about another journey in life, it is about our adoption journey. I am not as focused on running as I was while I was marathon training. Now I am just focused on family, life, and hopefully fitting in my swimsuit this summer :)
